Acne Treatment London

Acne can negatively impact your life. If you’re finding that the appearance of acne is affecting your quality of life, we can provide a range of acne treatments at The Wellington Clinic, so you can get that clear skin that you’ve always dreamed of.


With our expert treatment, we offer a very good chance of completely eradicating your acne.

Acne is also known as cysts, pimples, boils, blemishes, spots, zits, furuncles, blackheads or whiteheads and can affect anyone from puberty and older.

Acne is most commonly found on the face but acne can be found all over the body. If you’re finding that your acne is holding you back from living your life, call us today and we can work with you to create the best treatment plan for you.

For an acne specialist in London, contact The Wellington Clinic today.

Acne Treatments in Chelsea

There are many options out there to help improve acne. At The Wellington Clinic we have tried and tested various products and treatments for acne creating a combination therapy that works well every time. We use a combination of prescription lotions and creams and in-clinic peels or plasma treatments that have been proven clinically to produce good results.

If you book a consultation with us at The Wellington Clinic, we’ll make sure that our skin doctor will discuss everything with you.

We would typically recommend following a staged treatment plan so we can slowly improve your skin over time, ensuring sustained improvement.

Your consultant will inform you of the best ways to improve your skin, so you can create a treatment plan that works for you together.

Acne in Children

Acne is mostly associated with children going through puberty. It is a very common condition in both teenagers and young adults, and acne is most common in girls aged between 14 – 17.

Boys also commonly suffer from acne, but slightly later than girls, from the ages of 16 -19. This is only because boys start puberty later than girls.

Many teenagers and young adults will go through periods of mild acne and more severe acne as they grow up, and most of the time, their symptoms will start to improve as they get older.

Acne in Adults

Adult acne is a term applied to acne that affects anyone over the age of 25. Acne will usually disappear by the time a person hits their mid-twenties, but for some people, acne carries on throughout their adult life.

According to research, around 3% of adults over the age of 35 have acne. However, once women hit the menopause, acne is far less likely and isn’t often seen in women over 44.

Without treatment, adult acne is unlikely just to go away on its own, and since there’s a high risk of scarring we would recommend talking to an expert to treat your adult acne.

Acne and Acne Scar Treatment London

There are a wide range of acne treatments available, and these include:

  • Medications – oral and topical

    In the course of many acne treatments, medicine is often the first step. Medical treatments can suppress the inflammation on the skin, correct the skin function and eradicate the acne producing bacteria until the acne disappears.

    The medical treatments we provide are in the form of topical creams, topical retinoids and topical antibiotics.

  • Chemical peels

    Our chemical peels are applied to the skin to stimulate new growth and remove dead skin cells that clog up the skin causing acne. The chemical peels we provide can also be tailored specifically towards targeting the acne causing issues within the skin. This procedure is designed to improve the acne and the appearance of your skin. At your face consultation, we will discuss the different chemical peel options with you so that you can choose the right chemical peel for you.

    At The Wellington Clinic, we use chemical peels such as Obagi Radiance Blue Peel, The Perfect Peel with or without the Acne Booster and The Perfect Peel Superblend.

  • Microneedling, and plasmage

Acne Treatment in London – FAQs

  • What is acne?

    Acne is an incredibly common skin condition and will probably affect everyone at some point in their lives. The severity of the acne and the duration of the condition differs from person to person.

    Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that leads to oily skin and blemishes and spots on the skin. For some people, acne is only an issue during puberty, but others can struggle with acne throughout their adult life too.

  • What are the different types of acne?

    There are several types of acne:

    Non-inflammatory acne:

    • Blackheads / Open Comedones – black bumps
    • Whiteheads / Closed comedones – white or flesh coloured bumps

    Inflammatory acne:

    • Pustules – red bumps with a white tip
    • Papules – red bumps
    • Nodules – hard lumps under the skin
    • Cysts – large bumps filled with pus, similar to boils

    Acne can be mild, moderate and severe. During your consultation, your acne will be assessed and treatment recommendations will be provided.

    Mild and moderate acne are both indicated by the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads and pustules, while severe acne is characterised by large painful cysts or nodules and pain, redness and swelling in the affected area.

    There is a high chance that those who suffer from severe acne may be left with acne scarring once the acne itself fades away.

  • What are the main causes of acne?

    Some of the most common causes of acne are:

    • Puberty
    • Hormonal changes
    • Stress
    • Poor diet
    • Irritating skincare products
    • Genetics

    Additionally, women are most likely to suffer from acne due to hormones. This can be during their period or pregnancy or because they suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

  • How can you cure acne?

    While there’s no definite cure for acne, there are many treatments that have proven track records in controlling the acne symptoms you have.

    We’ll work closely with you throughout your treatment, as acne can take a long time to clear. Sometimes, you may benefit from adjustments in your treatment for the best results.

  • Why do people have acne treatments?

    There are numerous benefits to treating your acne. These can include:

    • Smooth and clear skin free of spots and blemishes
    • Lower risk of facial scarring
    • Improved self confidence
    • Stress and unhappiness reduction
    • Infection risk reduction
  • What types of food can treat acne?

    While acne is not created by what you eat, your diet can influence the appearance of your acne.

    Some acne triggers include dairy and sugar. It has been shown that foods and drinks that raise your blood sugar quickly cause inflammation throughout the body and the production of excess sebum. Following a diet with a low-glycaemic index may reduce the severity of acne. Coffee can also increase inflammation and worsen your acne.

  • How can acne be prevented?

    In many cases, unfortunately acne may not be preventable. We would encourage you to look after your skin in the best way possible.

    This includes following a skincare regimen at home that is best for your skin. For those with acne-prone skin, we’d recommend booking an appointment with our Skin Expert to see how you can prevent your acne getting worse. It is also recommended to ensure your skin gets enough hydration.

    Hydration can help reduce acne as dehydrated skin can become oiler which will ultimately clog your pores and create new spots.

The Wellington Clinic

To find out more about acne treatment in London at our specialist Chelsea dental clinic, call 020 7148 7148, email or send us a message using the below contact form.