Dental Implant Referrals
Join many other dentists and refer your patient to our medical and dental dual qualified Dr Nicholas Goodacre, who will manage your patient and return them promptly to your care for their definitive restoration.
Referral Form
Your patient will only be seen for the treatment requested and you will receive a summary of their care including copies of any radiographs taken. They will be requested to book back with the referring clinician as soon as possible after treatment for continuing care and/or restoration of the implant if appropriate.
If you would like to restore the implant yourself please let us know so that we can provide you with all the measurements and fixtures required. If you are interested in restoring your own patients implants then we can provide you with training and a full implant restoration kit.
Please use the form below and upload any relevant radiographs and/or pictures using the upload section below.
Thank you for your kind referral, we will be in touch shortly.