Dental Implants In Reigate, Surrey

Dental implants at our Reigate clinic provide the gold standard for tooth replacement. They are the ideal solution for replacing one or more missing teeth. We can offer you a permanent and aesthetic tooth replacement that will make you feel like you have your own tooth back again.

Dental implants in Reigate

Our in-house surgeon, Dr Nicholas Goodacre, has dual qualifications in medicine and dentistry, and further maxillofacial training, making him the ideal person to see for your dental implant surgery.

As a dental implant specialist in Reigate, he uses advanced surgical techniques and the highest quality materials available, with the result being dental implants that look and feel natural and last for the long-term.

To see Dr Nicholas Goodacre book your dental implant consultation today.

Why Choose Dental Implants at our Reigate Dental Clinic?

At our Reigate Dental Clinic, we pride ourselves on the following points:

  • Aesthetics

    Cosmetically they can look like natural teeth and will sit in the gum in the same way as a natural tooth.

  • No damage to other teeth

    Unlike bridges or dentures, implants do not require support from other teeth. In fact, dental implant surgery will help provide support to the surrounding teeth.

  • Prevent bone loss

    Having a dental implant in the bone will stop the bone from shrinking and therefore will maintain facial support and structure. The sooner the Dental Implant is placed the more bone will be maintained.

  • Increase life of remaining teeth

    Dental Implants will protect the remaining teeth from excessive forces (by spreading the chewing load) and will stop teeth migrating, tilting and over-erupting.

  • Fixed

    Dental Implants are fixed in your mouth and do not require removal as with dentures.

  • No more fillings or sensitivity

    Dental Implants will never need a filling or root canal treatment and they will never be sensitive.

Why are dental implants used?

Dental implants as a treatment has been well documented for at least thirty years. This treatment option is not only backed by scientific literature but also clinical experience.

The highest quality dental implants are used as a treatment for a wide variety of different needs. These include:

  • Replacing teeth without causing any damage to the remaining adjacent teeth
  • Eliminate the need for a denture by supporting the bridge
  • Provide retention and support for a denture
  • To avoid the “caved-in” look and preserve the bone

For many patients, the exciting thing about dental implants is that they present the opportunity to either discard their dentures or avoid using them in the first place.

Dental Implant Treatment Options at our Reigate Clinic

Dental implants are the gold standard for tooth replacement where teeth are missing. They can be placed on the same day as tooth removal or a long time after the tooth was removed. And can be used when just one tooth is missing or when a number of teeth are missing.

In most cases, the Dental Implant placement is extremely quick and practically pain free.

In fact, most people find Dental Implant placement to be a more pleasant procedure than having a tooth removed.

Dental Implants placed in Reigate

If you still feel nervous or apprehensive we can provide you with oral or intravenous sedation so that you can be away with the fairies while you have your dental implants in London.

Our dental implants in London will never leave you with a visible gap and will always make sure your smile looks great throughout treatment.

At the end of the treatment you will have a brand new tooth that looks, feels and functions exactly like a natural tooth!

Tooth Replacement

  • Immediate Tooth Replacement

    Do you require teeth in a day? If you are about to lose a tooth we can arrange to have it removed and for the placement of a Dental Implant on the same visit so that nobody would ever know what happened.

    Immediate Dental Implant placement is possible if there is no infection and there is sufficient bone.

  • Single Tooth Replacement

    If only one tooth is missing, a single Dental Implant in Reigate is the gold standard method of tooth replacement.

    It will not damage adjacent teeth as with a bridge or denture. It will maintain the positions of the remaining teeth by preventing them from moving into the space.

  • Multiple Teeth Replacements

    If more than one tooth has been lost it is possible to have 2 or more Dental Implants adjacent to one another. It is also possible to have Dental Implants joined together with a bridge so that you do not need an individual Dental Implants per tooth.

    This procedure can be much more cost effective than individual Dental Implant placements and as the Dental Implants join together as a fixed bridge, less surgery is involved. This means minimal cutting of the gums and quicker healing!

  • Full Arch Dental Implants and All-on-4 Dental Implants or ‘Same Day Teeth’

    If you have lost all your teeth we can provide dental implants to support or anchor a fixed stable permanent aesthetic bridge.

    The number of dental Implants required to support a full arch bridge will depend on the anatomy of the jaw bone, the number of teeth required, the type of bridge required and the opposing teeth.

Full arch dental implants in our Chelsea clinic

A full arch of Dental Implants can be placed when the teeth have been missing for a long time or when the remaining teeth have failed and require removing.

In the latter case it can even be arranged to have the remaining teeth removed and Same Day Dental Implants at our dental clinic in Reigate.

The All-on-4 treatment is a carefully planned procedure that allows only 4 Dental Implants to be placed on the same day and for them to be immediately loaded with a full arch bridge or prosthesis allowing 10, 12 or 14 teeth.

Two Dental Implants are placed at the front of the mouth and 2 are placed at an angle slightly further back to allow for anchorage as well as avoiding important structures such as nerves and sinuses. This can be done on both upper and lower jaws and so allow full mouth rehabilitation in a day.

Implant Retained Dentures or Dental Implant Removable Bridges

Occasionally, for some patients, for example where there is a history of aggressive gum disease, it may be wise to consider a removable bridge supported by Dental Implants.

A removable bridge will be easier to keep clean and also easier for future monitoring and maintenance of a Dental Implant in Surrey.

The Dental Implants Procedure at our Surrey Implant Clinic

  • 1) Consultation

    Our dental implant procedure has been fine-tuned to be as efficient as possible, ensuring you receive the highest quality care quickly, so you can get back to showing the world that beautiful smile.

    During your consultation at our clinic in Reigate, our implant surgeon Dr Nicholas Goodacre will carry out a thorough examination of your entire mouth including your teeth, jaws, gums, soft tissues and your occlusion (how your teeth bite together).

    He will then assess the future Dental Implant site and take some measurements for the future tooth and the bone currently available.

    This may include a 3D digital scan of your mouth instead of traditional impressions to plan the ideal position for the new tooth.

    He will take some x-rays of your jaw bone to measure the height of bone available for implant placement and to also identify the location of important structures (such as nerves and sinuses) within the jaw bone.

    In some circumstances it is also necessary to arrange a CBCT (3D) scan if space for the dental implant is minimal or limited by other structures and it is necessary to assess more accurately the proximity of the important structures and remaining bone in relation to the future Dental Implant.

    In some circumstances a surgical guided stent is manufactured using your CBCT (3D) scan overlaid onto your intra-oral 3D scan to create the exact and ideal insertion and placement of the Dental Implant.

    At this appointment your surgeon will give you all the options for treatment and the advantages and disadvantages of each and you can have a detailed discussion about your treatment. Plans can also be made for a temporary tooth replacement so that you never have a visible gap through treatment.

  • 2) Placement Surgery

    On the day of surgery we can arrange for you to watch a movie or listen to music or if you prefer we can provide you with oral or intravenous sedation so that you are completely relaxed throughout the surgery.

    The majority of our patients choose to have treatment without sedation as the procedure is completed very gently with Dr Goodacre’s special techniques but we have an anaesthetist for those who wish to be away with the fairies.

    Dr Nicholas Goodacre takes great effort to cause minimum disturbance to the surrounding tissues in your mouth which also helps you heal much quicker.

    Our Dental Implants placement can either be a 1 step or a 2 step procedure.

    • The One Step Procedure

      For the 1 step Dental Implant placement, the abutment or healing cap is placed at the same time as the implant.

    • The Two Step Procedure

      For the 2 step Dental Implant placement, the implant is placed in the bone and the gum is covered over.

      The Dental Implant is exposed at a later stage and the abutment is attached after healing.

      The Dental Implant is left to integrate with your jaw bone for 8-10 weeks and a temporary tooth prosthesis may be provided during that time so that you never have a gap.

      If a 2 step procedure was carried out, the Dental Implant will be exposed after the 10 week period and the healing caps or abutments will be attached in order to create a natural gum shape ready for the new tooth or teeth.

  • 3) Crowns or Bridges

    Digital scans are taken using the latest intra oral scanner instead of traditional impressions.

    This allows for the new Dental Implant Crown or in the case of multiple teeth the Dental Implant Bridge to be designed and manufactured.

    All crowns and bridges made at The Wellington Clinic are made with great detail and attention to achieve a truly tooth like appearance.

    The latest most aesthetic porcelains and ceramics are layered using a number of shades to achieve outstanding results.

Dental Implants in London FAQs

  • What kind of outcome can I expect from this treatment?

    In the past it used to be popular for implants to be used for missing teeth, and while that still remains a popular option, many of our patients opt for dental implants because they’re looking for an alternative to dental bridges or dentures.

    Many of our patients want a very natural look with their new implant – even though a fully functioning tooth is also highly important.

    We believe that creating an aesthetically pleasing implant that looks natural is highly important, too. As such, our team is dedicated to getting the best possible results with your dental implants.

  • What is a dental implant?

    Dental implants are small titanium screws that are placed in the jaw in the place of a missing tooth root. Once the dental implant is in place, crowns, bridges and dentures can be placed on top. This creates a tooth that looks natural and is stable.

  • How long does the dental implant process take to work?

    If we replace a single molar, it may take as little as 3 months for the implant to heal properly. For front teeth, this process might take up to six months for highly aesthetic cases that require gum recontouring.

  • Are dental implants safe?

    Dental Implants at The Wellington Clinic have a success rate of over 99% and they are one of the safest procedures in dentistry. Using the latest dental technology, our Dental Implant procedures can be pain-free.

    The surgery is designed to be as minimally invasive as possible.

  • How long will a dental implant take to heal?

    It will take 10 weeks for your dental implant to fully heal and fully integrate with your natural bone. This time period is a guide and in individual cases it can be a quicker or slower healing process.

    When the dental implant is healed, it will be a strong enough to place any dentures or crowns on top.

    We usually fit dental implants under local anaesthetic but if you request, you can be placed under sedation.

  • How do I clean my dental implants?

    Dental Implants are cleaned in exactly the same way as your natural teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste when you clean your teeth.

    Be gentle when you floss your teeth, taking care not to pull hard on your gums surrounding the Dental Implant.

    We would recommend that you use a special floss or water flosser to clean underneath your Implant Bridge, if you have one fitted.

  • What are the long lasting benefits of dental implants?

    With our dental implants, you’ll be able to restore your smile by replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are also a long lasting solution, so you won’t have to worry about your smile and your teeth for years to come.

    Throughout your life after dental implant surgery, you’ll be able to eat whatever you like without fear and you won’t have to worry about loose dentures either.

  • How long do dental implants last?

    Depending on your dental hygiene and your overall health, your Dental Implants should last for at least fifteen years. In many cases, dental implants will last you until the end of your life.

    As long as your gums are kept healthy, your dental implants should not lose bone or fall out.

  • What are the downsides of dental implants?

    There aren’t many downsides to dental implants, but much like your natural teeth, they require daily maintenance.

  • Is it painful getting a dental implant?

    In the long term, you shouldn’t have to worry about any pain from your dental implant. When you come in for the procedure, we’ll numb the area to ensure that the surgery is pain-free.

    You may find yourself in mild discomfort for 24-48 hours after the procedure, but this can be simply avoided by taking a few painkillers.

  • Should I get dental implants in Reigate?

    In Reigate, Surrey, there are a number of dental practices providing dental implant services. Our clinic, the Wellington clinic is a dental implant specialist that offers some of the best cosmetic dentistry in the United Kingdom.

    Implants not only restore your smile but also prevent bone loss, improving overall oral health.

    Using state-of-the-art technology and materials, the clinics offer a safe, comfortable, and seamless experience, while adhering to the highest standards of sanitation and professionalism. If you’re looking for a natural-looking, permanent solution for missing teeth, dental implants are a great choice.

The Wellington Clinic

To find out more about our London and Chelsea Dental Implants, Dental Implant Referrals or to book an appointment at our dental clinic in Chelsea for Dental Implants,